The Citizenship project is designed to help members find out more about themselves, family, friends, community and world. The project will lead to opportunities for meeting people and working with groups. Learn about other countries and cultures.
Things to Learn/Do in the Project
Ages 7-10
- Learn about self, family and friends
- Find out what good citizenship is
Ages 11-13
- Learn how to be a good neighbor
- Find out how groups and clubs work
- Study other cultures through exchanges
Ages 14 and Older
- Learn about township, city and county government
- Explore careers in police and fire protection, health and sanitation and tourism
- Attend Citizenship Washington Focus
- Consider going on an exchange program abroad or hosting from another country
Project Materials
Reasonably priced materials are available for every project in Kansas 4-H. You can order the materials for your project online or contact your local Extension Office.
Citizenship (CS100)
- Me, My Family and Friends (ages 7-8)
- My Neighborhood (ages 9-11)
- My Clubs and Groups (ages 9-11)
- The World Around Me (ages 12-14)
- Public Adventures (ages 12-14)
- Service Learning - Agents of Change (ages 12-14)
- My Heritage (ages 12-14)
- My Government (ages 15+)
- People and Customs of the World (ages 15+)
- Service Learning - Raise Your Voice (ages 15+)
General Citizenship Resources
Project Leader Resources
Awards and Recognition
County Level
Award: Medal presented at your 4-H Achievement Banquet
Donor: Kansas 4-H Foundation Patron Sponsor Fund
State Level
Award: Medallion
Donor: Kansas 4-H Foundation Patron Sponsor Fund
National Level
Award: $400 National 4-H Congress Scholarship
Donor: Kansas 4-H Foundation Patron Sponsor Fund